Declaration: This is a short post to highlight the existence of retainer options provided by Know Social Media. 

Retainer agreements are often overlooked but very useful documents. They provide real support and reassurance to businesses embarking on their social media programmes and benefit freelance businesses (like this) as they provide some certainty around incoming funds each month.

Agreements typically require an up-front payment each month to reserve time for the client. The amount paid is generally a discounted hourly rate, set at a fixed price and invoiced monthly. A range of tasks is specified, e.g., trouble-shooting, community management, advice, research, etc., and conditions such as scope (i.e., what is not included), unused hours, overtime, termination, and so on are all detailed. 

The document is completed with identifying client and provider information and their respective signatures. In the latter case, once the document is mutually agreeable.

Know Social Media has a range of options to choose from. Each with an hourly limit, variation in the types of services provided and governed by the same overarching conditions. Like everything done at Know Social Media, the options are client friendly - fair, written simply, tailored to specific client requirements.

I really like retainers because it means clients are happy and reassured and I really enjoy keeping an ongoing, active relationship with clients. Moreover, it is important because social media programmes are long-term, require consistent effort and ought to be continuously reviewed.

If you or your organisation are interested in retaining Know Social Media's services, please get in touch to find out more.


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